Friday, June 26, 2009

The Civil War Draws Us

Robert Penn Warren in The Legacy of the Civil War says,

The Civil War draws us as an oracle, darkly unriddled and portentous, of personal, as well as national, fate. In any case, the Civil War occurred. "Whether or not the war was inevitable," as Benard de Voto says, the crisis was." The conflicts had to be solved, but the fact that "they were not solved short of war is our greatest national tragedy."

What does it mean to say that there is a drawing to the Civil War? What are the religious overtones, especially ones of civil religion, as we've discussed in class?


  1. Religion emerged as a significant fact of the civil war. The christian values that the U.S. stood for was civilization. Julia Howe's "Battle Hymn of the Republic" is filled with religious images, as well as extensive description among Northerners during the war.

  2. The civil war emerged from religious overtones the colonies had different religions dealing with natures god and they wanted to serve the public god the way each group wanted to serve him this is strife and confusion- the personal God is not he author of confusion.

  3. The civil war is the result of religious conflict. I think if religious concepts, slavery and traditions would not have been a problem, the civil war would not have been in history.
    Angela Webb
