Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Randy Balmer on the Religious Right

This is a good review of your reading of Randy Balmer's God in the Whitehouse. It's a lecture he gave at Mercer as well as Emory. It helps capsulize the issues related to politics and religion, especially post-1979 and especially with Christians. Do you agree with his arguments? Do you find holes in what he's saying in terms of working inside politics with strong religious convictions that may produce a social and moral agenda that segments people? Doesn't morality segment out people from people naturally anyway?

Here's the link.


  1. Randy Balmer is bulls eye on target. I see no ho;es in his thesis. I totally agree with him. It is tragically ironic that the Religious Right who are attempting to persuade the Government to take away the peoples' Religious Freedom, are standing on the platform that affords us all the freedom of religion. What would they do if they are successful and the same laws of restriction they seek to implement, is used against them?
    I am in total agreement with Balmer.

  2. Randy Balmer has some valid points. I do think if our religous rights were taken away we might as well go back to colonies instead of states.
