Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Hip Hop Jesus

Here are a list of links we looked at in class. What are your thoughts? Do you see any connections from the study we've done and the outgrowth in today's culture?

- "Infant Jesus Prayer" from Talladega Nights

- "Sex Challenge" from Ed Young

- "Inaugural Prayer" by Rick Warren

- "Yahweh or No Way" from The Colbert Report

- "Praying for Wings" from a Tyler Perry play

- "Fight the Devil" by T.D. Jakes

- "After 9-11" from Jerry Falwell

- "God in the Whitehouse" from Randy Balmer on The Daily Show


  1. Certainly, there is a direct corelation between what we have studied in class, the overarching concept of Religious Liberty in America, and the clips we looked at.
    We saw the use, or misuse, of the name of Jesus in comedy, the application of modern technology to reach the masses with the Christian message,the gospel of prosperity replacng the Gospel of Salvation and the great modern phenomenom of folling a charismatic leader rather than seeking a personal, saving relationship with Jesus Christ. We Heard the fanatical voice of those who would take away our liberties and the voice of the importance of retaining those rights.
    Even though I do not agree with much of what was shared, I would in no way support the taking away of those rights. People must be allowed to practice their faith according to the dictates of their own consciences. Regardless of the personal disagreement of another's religion, we do nt have the right to restrict or forbid their practice.
    When we loose Religious Liberty in America a state of tyranny, bloodshed and debauchery will ensue that no voice nor pen can describe.
    The Bible, in fact, predicts such a day will come when the beast with lamblike horns (America)becomes like and joins forces with the beast coming out of the sea(Roman Catholicism)to enforce her mark of ecceslestiastical authority, Sunday Sacredness.(Revelation Chapter 13) That day is right upon us.
    May we all do what we can to preserve Religious Liberty. It is by far the better option.

  2. From our Founding Fathers to the videos, illustrates how far religion has come in our country. I have visited many churches in my lifetime;Spanish, Charismatic, Methodist, Hip Hop, Mega Church and Church of God and many more not because I am lost, but because I have friends that worship in many different ways. They invite me to visit their church I don't critize nor do I judge but it gives me a better understanding about their religious beliefs. Our country allows christians to worship and express their beliefs, while repecting others. Some christians might agree or disagree and find it disrespecrful to blame people for 911 or for using Jesus for comedy. Christians should not be concerned how other people perceive things unless it is directed towards them.
    ICorinthians 4:4 ..."but he that judgeth me is the Lord."

  3. There were definitely a lot of similarities between what we studied in class and the videos we watched. From the different videos that depicted the (what I think) unacceptable use of Jesus's name to the clips of "Preachers" that didnt really use scripture to validate there sermons. In other words, Religious Liberty is evident still today and should remain. Regardless if I aggree, I too feel that each human should have the right to worship and receive there higher being as they choose. If we take that right away, I feel we in a sense would be judging them or condeming them and we do not have a right to do that. There was also a connection with prosperity sermons from the past to present day. Again, just because I may not agree with a Minister soley focusing on prosperity. I do not have the right to cast judgement. The Bible teaches against that.
    --signed by Sharhonda Sheffield ---

  4. I enjoyed many of the video and thought some were even funny. However, I don't have the right to make fun of anyone's worship. The baby Jesus and the prayer from Madear was merely for fun. The reflections of my opinion are judgmental especially if do not understand the rituals of someone's religion such as TD Jakes and the "church video" or the prosperity preachers. I do not enjoy them. Do you think if Luther, Love or Calvin preached in these churches it will be different?

    Angela Webb
